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Provides core types and functionality to implement applications using Flux architecture with .NET.

Editing Contacts

We are able to view and add contacts, our next stop is editing them. Once the list of contacts is loaded we want to be able to select one by clicking an item in the list. The contact details will be loaded and displayed in our form, once we change some of the fields we will save the contact and just like adding a contact we want the list to be updated and still have it selected.

To select an item we will listen to the ItemClick event, when this happens we will call an action that selects the clicked contact.

<ListView x:Name="ContactsListView"
          DataContext="{StaticResource ContactsStore}"
          ItemsSource="{Binding Contacts, Mode=OneWay}"
          SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedContact, Mode=TwoWay}"
          IsEnabled="{Binding IsLoading, Mode=OneWay, Source={StaticResource ContactDetailsStore}, Converter={StaticResource BoolConverter}, ConverterParameter=negate}"

We will use two ActionDatas, one for signaling that the load operation started and one when it completes. We already have PrepareProcessContactDetailsActionData which signals the beginning of a contact operation so we will reuse that, we only need to define an ActionData for when the contact was loaded.

public class ContactDetailsLoadedActionData : ActionData
    public ContactDetails ContactDetails { get; set; }

Some of these ActionDatas have no distinction between what data, if any, they provide. ActionDatas are not all about what they contain, but about their type as well. We can distinguish between what each ActionData represents from the concrete type, an alternative to this is to provide the action type as a property and filter out what we want to do in each handler, in case we handle that type of notification. It boils down to personal preferrence on how developers want to write their code, there are pros and cons for all approaches. Pick one that you think is best for your application and stick with it. If you later on find out that it doesn’t work as good, you can always refactor.

Next we will extend our service to allow us to load the details of a contact.

public async Task<ContactDetails> GetAsync(Guid id)
    var contactFile = await ApplicationData

    return await _ReadContactDetailsAsync(contactFile)

private async Task<ContactDetails> _ReadContactDetailsAsync(StorageFile contactFile)
    using (var fileStream = await contactFile
    using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(fileStream))
        var contactJson = await streamReader
        return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ContactDetails>(contactJson);

Expose a new action for loading the contact details.

public async Task LoadDetailsAsync(Guid contactId)
    _dispatcher.Dispatch(new PrepareProcessContactDetailsActionData());
    var contactDetails = await _contactService.GetAsync(contactId);
        new ContactDetailsLoadedActionData
            ContactDetails = contactDetails

Handle ContactDetailsLoadedActionData in our ContactDetailsStore.

private void _Handle(ContactDetailsLoadedActionData actionData)
    SetProperty(() => ContactDetails, actionData.ContactDetails);
    SetProperty(() => IsLoading, false);
    SetProperty(() => IsLoaded, true);

Whenever a contact a selected we should update the SelectedContact property in ContactsStore.

private void _Handle(ContactDetailsLoadedActionData actionData)
    var selectedContact = Contacts
        .FirstOrDefault(contact => contact.Id == actionData.ContactDetails.Id);
    SetProperty(() => SelectedContact, selectedContact);

Now to call our load contact action from the event handler from our view.

private async void _SelectContact(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
    AddContactToggleButton.IsChecked = false;
    var selectedContact = (Contact)e.ClickedItem;
    await ContactsActions.LoadDetailsAsync(selectedContact.Id);

That’s it, when we select a contact we will get the edit form filled. If we press the save button it will only add a new contact.

For updating an existing contact we will be using PrepareProcessContactDetailsActionData and ContactDetailsUpdatedActionData just like in the case of AddAsync, we only need to define the appropriate methods. The first one is in our service.

public async Task UpdateAsync(ContactDetails contact)
    var contactFile = await ApplicationData
        .CreateFileAsync($"{contact.Id}.json", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting)

    await _WriteContactAsync(contact, contactFile)

The second update method is in our actions class.

public async Task UpdateAsync(ContactDetails contact)
    _dispatcher.Dispatch(new PrepareProcessContactDetailsActionData());
    await _contactService.UpdateAsync(contact);
        new ContactDetailsUpdatedActionData
            ContactDetails = contact

We already handle the ActionDatas and there’s nothing new to interpret about them, there are no changes in our stores. We only need to update the event handler for saving contacts, if it is a new one then we call AddAsync otherwise it is an existing one and we call UpdateAsync.

var contact = new ContactDetails
    FirstName = FirstName.Text,
    LastName = LastName.Text,
    EMail = EMail.Text,
    TelephoneNumber = TelephoneNumber.Text
if (AddContactToggleButton.IsChecked ?? false)
    AddContactToggleButton.IsChecked = false;
    await ContactsActions.AddAsync(contact);
    var selectedContact = (Contact)ContactsListView.SelectedItem;
    contact.Id = selectedContact.Id;
    await ContactsActions.UpdateAsync(contact);

Now, when we edit contacts they will be updated upon save. The list of contacts will be updated accordingly and the edited contact selected, just like when we add one.

In the next part we will cover Deleting Contacts and introduce conditionals for more complex binding scenarios.